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Salmonella Outbreak in Jif Peanut Butter

Publish Date: 2022, 05, 31

In early May, it was reported that certain Jif peanut butter products started an outbreak of salmonella. These contaminated products were produced at a factory in Lexington, Kentucky, and have been distributed to multiple states nearby. The FDA and CDC are currently investigating the outbreak.

Salmonella is a bacterium that is can be present in many different foods such as, but not limited to, raw meat and eggs. In typical cases, the salmonella bacteria act as a food poisoning and can create symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. However, in the most severe and untreated cases, salmonella poisoning can result in long-term health effects, specifically for young children, the elderly, and those with already compromised immune systems. Although we may not be able to completely remove the possibility of consuming the bacteria, some ways we can avoid getting salmonella poisoning include:

  • Check the temperature of any meat you are cooking. For poultry, the internal temperature should reach at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit. For beef, the temperature should reach 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Clean the surfaces in your kitchen often. Cleaning the surfaces that you cook on can ensure that you do not cross-contaminate bacteria. When cleaning, it is recommended that you spray an antibacterial cleaner on the surface and wait at least 60 seconds before wiping it off.
  • Never eat raw eggs. Although it may be tempting, eating raw eggs can expose you to salmonella poisoning. Additionally, always look for pasteurized eggs. Pasteurization means that the eggs are partially sterilized to make it safer for consumption. Although pasteurization does not remove all bacteria, it can remove most bacteria.

When a company mass produces a food product, is it expected that they use and maintain all food safety policies to prevent something that can harm consumers from happening. Unfortunately, some companies care most about selling as much product as possible and decrease their safety standards to produce higher quantities. This mindset can create unsatisfactory or unsafe products for consumers. When a recall such as this happens, we may find ourselves fearing that we may consume something that has been contaminated or may lose trust in a brand altogether. If you or a loved one has recently consumed a Jif peanut butter product and is experiencing symptoms that are consistent with salmonella poisoning, you may be entitled to compensation for your physical and emotional damages. Call an experienced Spiros Law, P.C. product liability attorney at or visit one of our three offices located in Champaign, Danville and Kankakee to set up your free consultation today.